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Environment Health & Safety

Environment Health & Safety

  • We take utmost care of the Environment; for this, we have Effluent Treatment Plant with Zero Liquid Discharge
  • Safety being our utmost priority, we follow all protocols with the installation of high-end safety equipment with proven guidelines/training in handling materials.
  • Safety Weeks are conducted every month by experts to impart safety and awareness training to all employees.
  • Safety Drills are conducted regularly to impart practical exposure to meet any untoward challenges.
  • A Fire Hydrant System with a capacity of 171m3/hr. and with a tank capacity of 500KL has been deployed at the site. The unit also has a pond with a water storing capacity of 11000KL.
  • We have Automatic Modular Fire Extinguishers deployed to all major equipment to ensure the safety of all employees and the plant.
  • A Medical team is available 24 x 7 to meet any Occupational Health Hazards.
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